From September 20, 2018 to March 4, 2019, Museum Speelklok was all about musical robots! Countless music robots from all over the world could be admired.

Robots love Music
Visitors of the Robots love Music exhibition discovered that the oldest and newest music robots have hearts as well as brains. Numerous music robots from around the world were displayed at the museum so that they could be admired. Not only the museum but the whole of Utrecht was under the spell of robots. A wide variety of robot events were organised by Museum Speelklok, universities, venues and musicians at various locations within the city.

Centuries old to supersonic robots
A large part of Museum Speelklok had been transformed into exhibition space. The enormous robot head positioned in the museum’s nave was a real eye-catcher. The content consisted of a number of main pieces, each with an overarching theme. It also compared the present with the past. Several interactives were designed for the Robots love Music exhibition which enabled visitors to learn even more about the musical robots in a playful way. The collection included robots of all varieties: centuries old robots, interactive robots, metal robots, supersonic robots, life-size robots, boxes containing hidden robots and a lot of invisible musicians.